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At NFCC we have several different ministries that you can be a part of. We reach the community as well as ministries for spiritual growth in the church. We invite you to come and be a part. Not sure where you would best fit with your gifts? No worries! Sign up for our Saddle Up class to learn more about the church and its ministries as well as your personal spiritual gifts. Classes are set up as a 2 part course. We hold classes on the first and second Sunday of each month. 

Listed below are just a few ways to connect yourself and your family to reach the community as well as building relationships that will last a lifetime.

NFCC Kids 

NFCC Kids is for all kids ages 4-11y. Meeting on Sunday mornings at 10am weekly, as well as Wednesdays.

The kids ministry is led by Pastor Joel Sandlin and his wife Letha. They strive to enrich the children's lives with practical, easy to understand lessons for the kids that they can easily learn from and apply to their lives. 

The children are divided by age into 2 separate classes. One for ages 4-6y and the other ages 7-11y. There is also a nursery available for ages 0-3y. Sunday mornings start out with a time of kids worship, and then followed by a lesson brought by one of our No Fences Kids team members. If you are interested in having your child be a part, we would be glad to answer any questions. Or if you would like to be a part of our team, we would love to have you!

Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry at NFCC currently meets on Wednesday nights during Bible Study. The group does various things from book studies to looking at scripture in a more intimate level. 

Meeting times are subject to change according to upcoming changes in Small Group schedules during a given semester.

Life Groups

At NFCC our Round Pens (or small groups) are an essential part of who we are. We believe that meeting together in a small group setting not only promoted relationships and strength as a body of believers, but it also encourages spiritual growth and intimacy with God on a deeper level. We believe in corporate worship as a body together but also in the strengthening and development of the people on a level that is only achievable through this setting.

Examples of Small groups:

Marriage, Women's. Men's, Young Adult, Book Studies, and special interest groups. A list of available groups will be available soon! If you are interested in learning more, please click the box below and fill out the form so that we can connect you to a small group just right for you.

Arena Ministry

Our biggest ministry at No Fences is our Arena Ministry. Our mission is to reach the unchurched people in the Western Culture with the Gospel of Jesus and provide ways to become more like Him. We accomplish this by hosting all sorts of arena events that are open for competition or spectators. During these events we are able to show the people Jesus by our words and our actions.

The Arena Team is always open to adding hands to help with al of the events - from team roping to youth rodeos, there are plenty of ways to be a part of this fun and effective outreach. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact the church office.

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